This Blog has been set up to show the development of the series Earth in its multiple formats. This blog will also show what inspires the creator of the series and what makes the series flow together.

Thursday, 22 October 2009


The Rewriting Process happens all the time. Everything is rewritten and it won't be released until it's to a very high standard. So With Earth I've done the same thing.

In the very beginning with that single script for Hilltown FM. The script was very different. It was still on Earth. Most of the key factors of the story were literally non existant such as the year the series takes place. There was no mention of a date in the story so there was no need to fix that one down. Yet when I rewrote the story I felt that having an exact date would be the best thing all around. So I focused on May 29th 2107. Purely because the finished radio drama was to be broadcast during May.

Another thing which came about due to rewrites was The Overseer Empire. The Villians of the series. In the very first script it was going to be a group of voices. Nine people would have been required to provide individual lines of dialogue. With the realisation that you couldn't get Nine People together or at times that best suited them it was chopped down to Three and gave the story a better twist.

Localisation is another factor. Where is the story set? Again it's on Earth but where on Earth? It could be anywhere but with request from some people at the radio station to set the story in Dundee for the simple fact that the radio station was based in Dundee. Yet with more and more rewrites I've expanded it to cover a large part of Europe. Which means I could have a scene in Paris and then shoot all the way up to Scotland for an important plotpoint and in the expanded story there's bits in New York which leads to the middle of the North Atlantic.

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