This Blog has been set up to show the development of the series Earth in its multiple formats. This blog will also show what inspires the creator of the series and what makes the series flow together.

Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas

I hope Everyone had a brilliant Day.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Darwin's Journey - COMPLETE

Darwin's Journey is complete and here's a rundown of the episode titles.

1. Rise of the Rebellion
2. Hope for the Future
3. History Lesson
4. The True Face of Evil
5. Our Last Best Hope
6. Rise of Man

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Leviathan - A Corridor Test 1

I've started work on 3D Sets for all three series so here's the first set of renders for The Leviathan. The floor textures aren't the final version and I might want to consider adding a few things here and there but it is close to the finished corridor.

And now for a change of colour - RED ALERT!!!
And a special render inspired by a shot from James Cameron's Titanic.

No water and exploding doors yet but give me time and there might be.

Coming up a test render of the Red Alert Lights.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Script Update

A quick rundown of what's been written and what's been completed.

Darwin's Journey
Episode 1 - Rise of the Rebellion...(100% Complete)
Episode 2 - Hope for the Future...(100% Complete)
Episode 3 - History Lesson...(100% Complete)
Episode 4 - The True Face of Evil...(100% Complete)
Episode 5 - TBA...(000% Complete)
Episode 6 - The Rise of Man...(000% Complete)

Jacob's Story
Episode 0 - The Beginning of the End...(100% Complete)
Episode 1 - Riding the Trains...(100% Complete)
Episode 2 - Getting the Truth...(100% Complete)
Episode 3 - Return to Liberty...(100% Complete)
Episode 4 - Destination Disaster...(005% Complete)
Episode 5 - TBA...(000% Complete)
Episode 6 - TBA...(000% Complete)

Episode 1 - Discovery...(100% Complete)
Episode 2 - Refit...(100% Complete)
Episode 3 - Launch...(100% Complete)
Episode 4 - Revenge...(100% Complete)
Episode 5 - Contact...(100% Complete)
Episode 6 - Touchdown...(100% Complete)

So that's one series down (Kind of) and two more to go. Hopefullu Darwin's Journey will be the next one that's finished.

Leviathan - Teaser


With each six scripts completed I finally have a beginning, a sort of middle and an ending for the series. The first three scripts compose three parts of a beginning, the fourth script contains a dark middle and the last two scripts begin to close the story and give a link to the next story.

Here is a list of episode titles.


But with the beginning and the end of the series clearly defined I now know where to take the story and what's going to happen as they move from Mars to Earth. Hopefully I'll be able to tell this story when the time comes.

Saturday, 14 November 2009


"The Eye of Harmony was created so that things would never flux, nor wither, nor change their state in any way." Romana II

"These things are rarely true." My Opinion

With Pitch and Crit over. I've decided to go over what I'm making and what I'm researching. So far the changes are pretty drastic. I'll do my best to cover what I've changed.

Originally there was going to be three formats.
1. Radio Drama
2. Flash Game Series
3. Animated Shorts

I've decided to change the three formats to
1. Animated Series
2. Point and Click Adventure Game (Episodic)
3. Animated Shorts

Two complete changes yet on the outside it's not that different. Also the style of the series has changed.

The Animated Series, will still be called Darwin's Journey. It will still be about the life of Lewis Darwin as he tries to escape his destiny. It will be animated instead of an audio drama. Since the scripts were written with the audio medium in mind changes will have to happen. Eventually.

The Point and Click Adventure Game is Jacob's Story it will still have the same story and will be about how Jacob Anderson works with the Free Earth Rebellion and with the chance, save the world. When writing it, I was focused on being serious. Now that's changed and I've decided to add humor to the story and so far, according to one person (My Dad) it's funny. So I'm going to keep working on that front.

Animated Shorts, Now here comes the biggest change. It's no longer called Launch of the Leviathan. It has been renamed and there will be a huge media fanfare when the new title is launched but so far it's mostly the same with new angles to focus on.

The Research Question is still in flux. It will always be in flux as with any good question. So Far it's evolved from how to tell a large story using new media into something quite similar yet harder to define. So In the end I will hopefully have a good question and some very good results.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Jacob's Story - Concept Art

And now for some concept art from

This piece of concept art is for the North Atlantic Platform 3. It is the location for the final three episodes of Jacob's Story.

And that's it for now. To come up with this design I focused on the design of Oil Rigs and how they look as they sink into the sea. There's a possible spoiler in there for those that look hard enough.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Script Update

Just another quick update on what's happening with the scripts.

Darwin's Journey
Episode 1: Rise of the Rebellion - First Draft (100% Complete)
Episode 2: Hope for the Future - First Draft (100% Complete)
Episode 3: History Lesson - First Draft (100% Complete)
Episode 4 - TBA - First Draft (5% Complete)
Episode 5 - TBA - First Draft (0% Complete)
Episode 6 - TBA - First Draft (0% Complete)

Jacob's Story
Episode 1 - First Draft (0% Complete)
Episode 2 - First Draft (0% Complete)
Episode 3 - First Draft (0% Complete)
Episode 4 - First Draft (0% Complete)
Episode 5 - First Draft (0% Complete)
Episode 6 - First Draft (0% Complete)

Launch of the Leviathan
Episode 1 - Discovery - First Draft (100% Complete)
Episode 2 - TBA - First Draft (100% Complete)
Episode 3 - TBA - First Draft (100% Complete)
Episode 4 - TBA - First Draft (100% Complete)
Episode 5 - TBA - First Draft (0% Complete)
Episode 6 - TBA - First Draft (0% Complete)

Soon there'll be some concept art.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Title Announcement

This is just a brief announcement to say that the first episode of Launch of the Leviathan will be called.


and that I've started the script for that episode.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Script Update

Since Earth is over several formats with a large interconnected story there's going to be a lot of scripts to write. It's like when J. Michael Strazinski wrote Seasons 3, 4 and 5 of Babylon 5. So I'll cover what's been happening.

Darwin's Journey
Episode 1: Rise of the Rebellion - First Draft (100% Complete)
Episode 2: Hope for the Future - First Draft (100% Complete)
Episode 3: TBA - First Draft (5% Complete)
Episode 4: TBA - First Draft (0% Complete)
Episode 5: TBA - First Draft (0% Complete)
Episode 6: TBA - First Draft (0% Complete)

Jacob's Story
Episode 1: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 2: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 3: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 4: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 5: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 6: TBA (0% Complete)

Launch of the Leviathan
Episode 1: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 2: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 3: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 4: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 5: TBA (0% Complete)
Episode 6: TBA (0% Complete)

So there we go. Two scripts complete with another Sixteen to go.

A Script Sample

And now for a few lines from DARWIN'S JOURNEY!!!

This is from Episode 1: Rise of the Rebellion. It's at the end of Scene 5.

Narrator (Darwin)
Also, there was something else that was happening at the time. Something that I didn't find out until the end. I was being monitored by the Overseers. For what Reasons, I'll keep them to myself.

Thursday, 22 October 2009


The Rewriting Process happens all the time. Everything is rewritten and it won't be released until it's to a very high standard. So With Earth I've done the same thing.

In the very beginning with that single script for Hilltown FM. The script was very different. It was still on Earth. Most of the key factors of the story were literally non existant such as the year the series takes place. There was no mention of a date in the story so there was no need to fix that one down. Yet when I rewrote the story I felt that having an exact date would be the best thing all around. So I focused on May 29th 2107. Purely because the finished radio drama was to be broadcast during May.

Another thing which came about due to rewrites was The Overseer Empire. The Villians of the series. In the very first script it was going to be a group of voices. Nine people would have been required to provide individual lines of dialogue. With the realisation that you couldn't get Nine People together or at times that best suited them it was chopped down to Three and gave the story a better twist.

Localisation is another factor. Where is the story set? Again it's on Earth but where on Earth? It could be anywhere but with request from some people at the radio station to set the story in Dundee for the simple fact that the radio station was based in Dundee. Yet with more and more rewrites I've expanded it to cover a large part of Europe. Which means I could have a scene in Paris and then shoot all the way up to Scotland for an important plotpoint and in the expanded story there's bits in New York which leads to the middle of the North Atlantic.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Logo Design

There are many familiar logos in the world of entertainment. There are many you can see by turning on the TV. For Example there's the Eastenders Logo. It has survived several redesigns of the title sequence.

The Original Titles with the Original Logo

The 2009 Title Sequence with the same Logo as the Original

Another example is Doctor Who. With each change of the main actor the series title sequence was also changed.

William Hartnell's Era and the First Season of Patrick Troughton's.

The Last Year of Jon Pertwee's Era and the majority of Tom Baker's Era
It also featured the iconic Diamond Logo.

Christopher Eccelstone's Era and with minor modifications, David Tenant's Era

So when I came up with the Logo for Earth I didn't really think about the context it would appear in. I came up with the logo by looking through the list of fonts that my current computer at the time originally had and I picked the best one that I thought was the best.

At the time I created it I had no idea about how it would look with a little artistic flare. Insomnia is a good time to be creative. Not only do you come up with a good idea it also makes you tired.

This is is the final article. It will appear with the three different formats that I intend to tell the story. Hopefully there will be a title sequence later where the Logo will fit in.

Monday, 5 October 2009

The Writing Process - Part One

In this segment I'll be looking at what inspired me to write.

With Earth, I don't really recall where I got the idea from. It just popped into my head like most other writers such as Douglas Adams and his drunken thoughts in a field in Amsterdam wondering if anyone was going to write about a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and J. K. Rowling and while being stuck on a train got the idea about Harry Potter and not having a pen and some paper to write the whole idea down.

My Idea came from nowhere and I began to write. As it began it started out overblown and far to big for a simple radio station. The cast list was huge and the ideas that I had couldn't be done properly on radio.

So I began to rewrite this single episode and began to expand it. I took an example from J. Michael Strazinski's Babylon 5. Where a long complex story was told over a Five Year bridge. I had wanted to expand Earth from a single episode into a Six-Part-Series.

As I expanded the story I believe I went too far. The Current plan for Earth will be explained later but I will do into detail about what happened when I added a few more seasons to a story that had apparently finished several stories ago.

Next time I'll talk more about the making of the first episode of Earth and possibly some artwork.

Monday, 28 September 2009

In the Beginning - Part One

The creation of Earth: The Series began, roughly, in April 2005. The Local Community Radio Station, Hilltown FM, had several requirements to obtain a 5-Year-Licence, one of these was to provide two audio dramas.

Over the years, I have heard many fan attempts at Audio Dramas for many shows. They inspired me to try and create my own. So when they asked if anyone could provide an Audio Drama, I willingly threw my hat into the ring.

But the series took longer to write then I had hoped since I didn't plan much on what was happening in the first series and let myself be carried away with the details of future episodes in seasons that would be made after the first one.

So when asked to provide a script for an upcomming broadcast I was forced to provide a script I had completed for myself. It was called, Doctor Who: Flip of a Coin. A Four-Part drama. Due to legal issues with the station and the British Broadcasting Corporation the script was refused permission.

Yet Earth was slowly approaching completion, still there were more problems than one person could reasonably handle. Yet that's the story for another time.

Next Time, I'll cover the real first draft and how it changed to how it currently looks.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

An Introduction

Hello and Welcome. In this blog you will find how I find inspiration and what motivates me when I create a series.

This blog will also try and show how I come up with ideas and show work-in-progress designs.